Είθε ο Θεός να ασχοληθεί με τα εγκλήματα του Χένρι Κίσιντζερ, λέει ο πρόεδρος της ΠΣΕΚΑ

Ο Χένρι Κίσιγκερ.

ΝΕΑ ΥΟΡΚΗ. Ο πρόεδρος της Παγκόσμιας Συντονιστικής Επιτροπής Κυπριακού Αγώνα Φίλιπ Κρίστοφερ στο άκουσμα της εκδημίας του 56ου Υπουργός Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ, Χένρι Κίσιντζερ εξέδωσε ανακοίνωση μέσω της οποίας αναφέρεται στις καταστροφικές αποφάσεις εξωτερικής πολιτικής και προσεύχεται όπως «ο Θεός ασχοληθεί με τα πραγματικά εγκλήματά του.

Παραθέτουμε το κείμενο της δήλωσης του κ. Κρίστοφερ σε απλή μετάφραση των «Αναμνήσεων».   

Ο Χένρι Κίσινγκερ, βραβευμένος με Νόμπελ Ειρήνης, αφήνει κληρονομιά καταστροφικών αποφάσεων εξωτερικής πολιτικής.

Από τη φρίκη του Βιετνάμ μέχρι τις φυλακές της Χιλής και της Αργεντινής και τις φρικαλεότητες των Ερυθρών Χμερ στην Καμπότζη και τις σφαγές και τους βιασμούς στην Κύπρο από τους εισβολείς τουρκικά στρατεύματα το 1974, ο Κίσινγκερ θα έπρεπε να είχε δικαστεί για εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας!

Εξορθολόγησε όλες τις αποφάσεις του για την εξωτερική πολιτική με βάση τη θεωρία της «Realpolitik»,  ή πραγματισμού που εξυπηρετούσε τα αμερικανικά συμφέροντα ασφαλείας.

Στην ουσία, θυσίασε τις αμερικανικές αξίες και τα βασικά ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα για χάρη της σκοπιμότητας!

Είθε ο Θεός να αντιμετωπίσει τα πραγματικά εγκλήματά του!

Φίλιπ Κρίστοφερ

Πρόεδρος της ΠΣΕΚΑ.

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  1. B”H As predicted, there was delay in the severe criticism the passing of a distinguished Jewish American academic and diplomat in the hands of extreme and uncouth Greek and Cypriot voices; even before the centenarian Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, z”l, was laid to rest. Particularly brazen was the quoted president of PSEKA Philip Christopher; notorious in targeting unjustifiably, for the adviser to all recent U.S. Presidents was dexterous in navigating the much-misunderstood realpolitik, always promoting and generally succeeding in his adopted nation’s interests foremost in mind. On the other hand, Christopher has been skewered for his long stewardship, PSEKA, ostensibly dedicated to justice for Cyprus (a country invaded by Türkiye in 1974, with 40% of the island since then occupied), but with puny political results. More, his public record of failure transcends the Cyprus-oriented lobbying; his chairmanship of this year’s Greek Independence Day Parade was a fiasco by which other miserable communal outcomes will be measured in the future. Basic to this repeated deficiencies is the fact, in the manner of compatriots who emigrated to our blessed adopted land, Christopher has not absorbed the values of tolerance and welcoming of diverse opinions. For example, he was always disrespectful, bullying, and downright abusive to my person; snuffing the opportunity to question him and his misapplication of American values of free speech, humility, and rigorous debate —- not much different from the cult-like attachment Greek Americans have to our authoritarian and thoroughly unfit 45th President! Notice, I haven’t assessed Dr. Kissinger’s oeuvre, said to be one of the most influential diplomats in the 20th century (I’ve done this extensively elsewhere). Instead, I turned my attention to this insidious critic, better for readers to understand and utterly reject such attack from his ilk. Not because HAK was an anger, but because despite his blind spots in Vietnam, Chile, Iran, the man earned his Nobel Peace Prize in venturing to control nuclear proliferation with the USSR; recognize and reach a modus vivendi with China; and ending the state of war between Israel and its most populous Arab rival, Egypt. Let’s invite Christopher to study and learn, baby learn, lest we all burn, baby burn. Με αδελφική αγάπη, Ασερ 🙏😢🇬🇷😩 🇨🇾🤣🇺🇸🤣

  2. I agree with the distinguished Prof. Asher Matathias. Christopher and his fellow presidents-for-life in the Greek-American community have nothing to show for their long tenures. They curse at Kissinger to deflect criticism from their own diminutive leaders, like the red bishop, Makarios, who presided over the destruction of his own people with his ineptitude and hunger for power. I don’t pay attention to them. Kissinger, on the other hand, was an amazing visionary who shaped our world order. You are correct, professor, in all respects. I wish we heard from you more often. God bless you!

  3. Dear Asher,

    Who gave the green light to the Turks to invade and occupy Cyprus since 1974? Maybe Kissinger? It’s amazing that you are attacking publicly the Cypriot victim Mr. Christofer. May I suggest to you to shut up and stay away from the Greek American affairs? We are sick and tired from your perennial Anti-Greek bullshit. Enough is enough already. Με αδελφική αγάπη, Αχιλλέας.


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